Juicing Rinds

by Natalia

My tip is about juicing citrus rinds. I always wondered "can you juice citrus rinds?" and until I came across it in my juicer guide I didn't know. To be safe, never juice the rinds of oranges and grapefruits. It's hard on your juicer even if you have a high-end juicer. The process to breakdown the rinds will put an unnecessary burden on the machine. Number two, it's said that the rinds contain a small amount of oils that are indigestable. I know that a little probably won't hurt, but I want to be safe, so I don't. I also think too much pilth makes the juice taste bad. Lemon's are safe to be juiced peel on, though.

Mango skin shouldn't be juiced and papaya rinds are another that need to be removed before juicing.

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